Friday, December 21, 2007

A Holiday Wish

At this time of year it is worth pausing for a moment and remembering how lucky we all are. Life comes at us so very fast. It is all too easy to become completely immersed in our daily grinds. As we struggle to stay above water between work, family obligations, school, health problems, politics, world events, and money matters, it is easy to forget the small things.

So, rather than write a pithy commentary on some legal item, I thought I would just ask you, dear reader, to take a moment and take in all that we have. Whatever the problems and challenges of these times, we are lucky beyond comprehending to here in this wonderful country, at this amazing time.

And therefore, no matter whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanakah, Kwanzaa, something else, or nothing at all, may you have a happy holiday season and a healthy, prosperous New Year. God bless us, everyone.

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Lake Superior

Lake Superior
Remember: No matter where you go, there you are.